Owen Coyle Anodising Ltd Re-branding
Owen Coyle Anodising Ltd has recently re-branded itself with new look logos and the updating of uniforms for all staff members. This move will hopefully prove that we aim to evolve with the times and to face new challenges head on. Also with the purchase of a new boiler, Combilift fork truck and chiller over the last few of years, we continue to re-invest in maintaining our equipment in order to try and minimise any downtime due to breakdowns.
With an excellent team of contractors behind us we hope to ensure that loss of production and therefore delays in getting your orders out will always be kept to a bare minimum.
With the sad passing of Owen Coyle himself in February 2016, the company has undergone significant changes in management with Graeme Longman now leading the team. However, despite the changes we still aim to maintain the high standards of anodising and customer service that Owen Coyle encouraged and believed in.